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Monday, August 09, 2010

The Final Countdown

Blog XXIX of Thirty Days – Thirty Blogs series
As I approach climax of my thirty days – thirty blogs series, I cannot help but marvel at the amount of blogs I have written over past two fortnights. While I had been regularly blogging on my technical blog as part of a course I had took in my final semester, back then I had a paper to blog about every time. Blogging about something new and making it interesting day after day was a challenge. And it was for this very reason that I took up this experiment because I wanted to kick-start my blogging in a serious fashion.
It was emotionally very demanding, while many of these blogs were conceived over a long period of time, with points jotted down in free moments, sewing a functional blog post out of them was nevertheless a daunting task. I tried hard not to get repetitive (unless that was the intention like in the case of How did I almost end up being series), avoid any offensive statements and diversify as much as possible. During this experiment, I wrote about politics, religion, personal moments, career suggestions, travel and even a sorry attempt at a P=NP joke. The number of my Buzz followers over this period dropped from 80 to 79 which I am hoping was not a direct consequence of my blogging ! There were some interesting ideas which did not materialise and hopefully I would write them in future.
How did I do is open to interpretation. Right now I am feeling happy at the very fact that I did do thirty blogs over thirty days without taking any shortcuts by writing very short posts (which probably have their own good reasons to exist on other blogs). Frankly this would not have been possible had I started to think about a new topic every day. For any going-to-be-bloggers, I would suggest the same thing. Jot down points for a potential topic and keep on adding points until you feel reasonably confident that you can stitch a post out of them. In response to some of my blogs, I got some very enthusiastic response which is a good sign even though most of my blogs went unnoticed. I WAS noticed however by a spam bot which left me my first spam comment. I am not sure though if I should feel encouraged ! However what is certainly encouraging to see is an increase in traffic on my website. Since I have not done any major changes on other sections of my website, it is safe to assume that those red dots springing up across the globe are readers of this blog. I hope I have been able to do some value addition to your time.
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Having said all, I would be more than glad to hear your suggestions, comments and criticism. Anything that does not kill me will help me grow and that is what I want to do. Please feel free to leave comments below or use the form here.

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