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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thirty Blogs in Thirty Days

Since my last blog entry, a big change has happened in my life. If my life was a car, then this would have been equivalent to a gear shift. And as I make this shift from academic life into professional life again, time is ripe to bring in many other changes in my life.

One of those changes would be amount of time that I devote to my leisure and non-technical activities. Academic life especially at postgraduate level is tough on your schedule. It is equivalent to working 10-12 hours daily in a regular job with no leaves to take and no weekends to spare. And to make matters worse, academic work does not proceed at the rate of your regular job. You can encounter wrong turns, dead ends and what not.

One of the things that I have been wanting to do more often is blogging. Unlike what the gap to my previous entry (4 months) might suggest, I have not been running short of things to blog about. In fact I have been maintaining a list of topics in my to do list. And to kick-start my re-blogging I thought why not take a cue from Morgan Spurlock and start a Thirty Days series of my own. So for the next thirty days, I would attempt to write a blog every day till the next thirty days. If things get tough on weekdays I would hopefully cover it on weekends.


1 comment:

nam said...

Good luck with that kid.. :)